世界上大約有四億的原住民,他們在文化、宗教、社會生活、和經濟的結構有著相當大的不同。因為,來自疾病、瓦解了他們的文化生活,和其他團體公開的衝突也漸漸地被消滅逮盡。在Ninety的巴西270個不同原住民族已經被消滅無存,如果原住民的權利沒有受到保護,可能更加速原住民族的死亡與消失。 (There are about 400 million indigenous people in the world. They vary widely in culture, religion, social life and economic orginazation. Because of disease, distruction of thier cultural life, and open conflict many groups have been destroyed. Ninety of Brazil's 270 indigenous groups have already been destroyed. If the rights of indigenous people are not protected, many more will quietly disappear.

在巴拿馬的Ngobe族原住民也已頻臨滅絕邊緣,巴拿馬政府和美國的公司將建立一個水壩將淹沒整個Ngobe原住民的土地,巴拿馬政府帶來了警察來打抗議者,帶來推土機來清除原住民的家園。這些Ngobe原住民的部落僅僅只有幾星期的存在,除非現在就採取激烈抗議的行動,他們需要你們的幫助,可進入www.culturalsurvival.org網址去閱覽,看看是否可以幫助他們。(the Ngobe people of Panama are in brink of distruction! The Panamanian government and an American Company are building a dam that will flood the Ngobe's territory. They have brought in police to beat protesters and are bulldozing homes. These Ngobe communities have only weeks to exist unless action is taken now. They need your help. Please visit to find out how you could help.)

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    Sediq Rana


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